David Zahn
David has been a consultant, an executive with global responsibilities, an entrepreneur, an author, and occasionally found time to enjoy spending time watching his children grow up and mature into adults.
His vast experience has ranged from working with multi-national brands found in supermarkets to small start-ups working locally and have included focusing specifically on organization design, employee and management development, training, competency enhancement and behavioral change.
David Zahn is an adjunct faculty member at the University of New Haven in the Graduate Schools of Industrial/Organizational Psychology and Public Administration and teaches courses in Organizational Development, Consulting Skills, and Training Design. He also created and maintained an active website for small business owners and entrepreneurs to develop their skills as businesspeople and help grow their businesses before selling it to a competitor. (www.okaynowwhat.biz).
When Mr. Zahn is not criss-crossing the globe working on client projects he can often be found at libraries, attending lectures, collaborating with other industry thought leaders, and pursuing the next big trend in instructional techniques.
ZAHN Consulting, LLC, strategically partners with the following organizations
Marketing and Category Management experts. A consultancy that specializes in developing insights through research, competitive intelligence, and client engagements.
Winston Weber & Associates, Inc.
A leading strategic consulting organization focused on consumer and shopper insights.
For nearly 20 years, Tim Gregg and Turn-Key Enterprises have helped companies, organizations and individuals tell their stories in engaging and meaningful ways. Through a variety of marketing and communications tools--from public relations and event marketing to video production and web design--TRG and TKVW have crafted meaningful accounts which have informed, influenced and inspired.
Questions to Ask Yourself
If you think training is too expensive, have you compared it to the cost of mistakes, ignorance, and having to re-do actions?
All too often we think that people should be able to adapt to new procedures, tools, or skills without providing them with proper training. Afterall, it means that people often have to take time away from their “job” to participate in training in many instances and that just feels expensive. Additionally, it is often hard to capture the value or return on investment made through training. So, companies forego the effort and agree to accept “business as usual.”
However; while we can’t make time for training initially, we often find the time to correct the errors or even incur a cost to hire additional staff to check for mistakes of those who are not achieving the results needed or anticipated. What are those variables costing you in; time, energy , focus, and REAL money?
Office Phone - (203) 414-4794 • Cell Phone - 203-414-4794 • E-mail - davidzahn@zahnconsulting.com
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